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West 8 urban design & landscape architecture b.v.

Nico Koomanskade 1021
3072 LM Rotterdam
The Netherlands

+31 (0) 10 485 5801


West 8 Brussels urban design & landscape architecture bvba

Waaienberg 123
1745 Opwijk

+31 (0) 10 485 5801

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2133 Arch Street, Suite 101
Philadelphia, PA 19103
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+1 347 371 2252

Completion of Xinhua Waterfront Park greeted by snow in Shanghai

Huangpu Waterfront Revitalization Masterplan, is a project initiated by the Shanghai Municipal Government started since 2002. It has an ambition of a total transformation of 45 km of waterfront along the Huangpu River of Shanghai. It was once nicknamed “mission impossible” according to many. From 2016, priorities of the project were given to the connectivity between the vitality of the Shanghai city and the 27 kilometers of Huangpu River East Bund and a continuous, publicly accessible waterfront with ecology, sustainability, and creation of consistency for a legible image of contemporary City of Shanghai.

Commissioned by Shanghai Shenjiang Liang’an Development Construction Investment Group, West 8, in collaboration with the Tongji University, has been lead designer of the 16 kilometers park design of the Xinhua Waterfront Park within the greater Huangpu Waterfront Revitalization project. Design process was started in 2016, construction was kicked off during the second season of 2017.

Within 6 months of time, the realization of this Xinhua Waterfront Park, a cultural corridor section with the total area of ​​17 hectares urban open public space, is finally open to the public on 31st December 2017. Since then, citizens and visitors of Shanghai City can enjoy this ‘urban cultural living room’ day and night, and in all seasons. It was also the first section to be completed within the masterplan.

The weather of Shanghai has surprised many at the beginning of this year, an erratic snowfall in Shanghai has given some extra shiny color to our yet to mature newly constructed urban park, literally very much reflecting our design motto: ‘simple yet beautiful, relaxed and romantic‘. These photo taken during last week of Janurary show a glimpse of how it can become when weather turns better later in spring, where old and young together can all come and enjoy this slow-living and inclusive space in Shanghai, jogging or biking, while looking over the stunning skyline of Shanghai Huangpu.

雪影迎新 – 新华滨江绿地项目成功完成


经过参与2016年中上海浦东东岸贯通蓝图框架的全球国际征集遴选后,West 8与同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司合作,成功被上海市政府及申江两岸开发建设投资(集团)有限公司委托为新华滨江公园的首席设计。 West 8 团队感到至为荣幸,能与包括浦东新区区长在内的庞大项目团队共同合作完成这一滨江项目。

总占地面积17万平方米被上海市政府于“十三五” 期间公布纳入为滨江绿地及公共空间内新建公共服务配套设施的重点项目之一,新华滨江绿地集东岸贯通道、滨水大道、城市广场、开放式公共绿地等为一体。设计在2016 年展开以后,工程于2017年中旬启动,在短短半年时间经已完成。 2017年12月31日在新年到来之际向市民开放。新华滨江亦是整个东岸最先建成开放的地块之一。

元旦假期市民游客纷至沓来,已然成为人气公共空间。一月份上海市的降雪,使刚完工的新华滨江绿地更添浪漫温柔的气氛。正正突显设计主旨 “简单美丽、轻松浪漫” 的原意,突出文化休闲和体验功能。这辑由上海申江两岸开发建设投资(集团)所提供的照片所见,我们可以一窥春回大地以后,无论是午间休息还是工余周末消遣,它不但会成为具有浓厚健身、文化氛围的滨江公园,也将是市民相约相聚的场所。市民望两岸美景之余在 “漫步道、跑步道、骑行道,‘三道’一气呵成的慢活陆地上享受这片全新的「户外客厅」,共享天伦。让我们迫不及待来春亲身体验丰盛多姿、焕然一新的江岸景色。