Penne Hangelbroek to speak about Fort Vechten at NVTL New Year’s reception
On the 27th of January, Penne Hangelbroek, architect and urban designer at West 8, will speak at the NVTL (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Tuin- en Landschapsarchitectuur) New Year’s reception, held at Fort Vechten. Penne will elaborate on the design for the awards winning transformation of the 19th century fortress into a museum, a joint venture by West 8, Rapp+Rapp and himself.
The fortress was once part of a 19th century megastructure: a 85km long and 3-5km wide military defense line based on an ingenious system of inundation zones, bastions and walled cities.
To help with the interpretive storytelling of the museum, the design team introduced an 80m wide band across the site in which the overgrown fort would be brought back into its original barren state.
After the lecture, attendees will have the opportunity to walk around the fortress and its surroundings.
The reception starts at 13:45 and is open for members of the NVTL. More information on the programme and registration and can be found here.