The Netherlands

West 8 urban design & landscape architecture b.v.

Nico Koomanskade 1021
3072 LM Rotterdam
The Netherlands

+31 (0) 10 485 5801


West 8 Brussels urban design & landscape architecture bvba

Waaienberg 123
1745 Opwijk

+31 (0) 10 485 5801

United States

West 8 urban design & landscape architecture p.c.

2133 Arch Street, Suite 101
Philadelphia, PA 19103
United States of America

+1 347 371 2252

Blending Urban and Natural Environments

Freiham North Masterplan, München, DE

Envisioning an urban district with distinct typologies on the foundation of a strong ecological framework.

West 8’s awarded urban design for Freiham Nord is composed of a number of neighbourhoods with different atmospheres, seamlessly integrated into the urban and natural context. With a wide range of housing typologies, the district will accommodate the needs and lifestyles of households of different ages and sizes.

The area features a robust structure of urban green spaces, ranging from alleys to boulevards, parks, and squares. The design identifies two district urban centers, a neighbourhood square, a village common, a central green axis, a green belt, and generous open spaces within the Sports Park and Educational Campus. West 8 also created landscape designs for specific residential functions such as community gardens, daycare playgrounds, and neighbourhood meeting points.

The new district is well-connected to Munich’s public transport network and adjacent suburbs of Aubing and Neuaubing through two suburban train stations, several buses, and a tram to the city center. This will provide fast and comfortable connections between living, working, and recreation, leading to a high standard of living.

The district’s name is derived from the historic Freiham Estate, which dates back to the 12th century and still holds significant cultural value in modern-day Bavaria. The estate’s heritage has been incorporated into the revitalized ecological framework of Freiham North.

City of Munich

© West 8