The Netherlands

West 8 urban design & landscape architecture b.v.

Nico Koomanskade 1021
3072 LM Rotterdam
The Netherlands

+31 (0) 10 485 5801


West 8 Brussels urban design & landscape architecture bvba

Waaienberg 123
1745 Opwijk

+31 (0) 10 485 5801

United States

West 8 urban design & landscape architecture p.c.

2133 Arch Street, Suite 101
Philadelphia, PA 19103
United States of America

+1 347 371 2252

Living, Working & Relaxing

Pier of Scheveningen, The Hague, NL

Designing a public, iconic work on the Dutch Coast- inhabited and visited 365 days a year, 24/7.

A new vision for the coastal condition: a micro-city in the sea




A prime example for sustainable building and living at sea – for everyone to enjoy

KondorWessels Vastgoed

West 8, Elephant studio

© West 8