The Netherlands

West 8 urban design & landscape architecture b.v.

Nico Koomanskade 1021
3072 LM Rotterdam
The Netherlands

+31 (0) 10 485 5801


West 8 Brussels urban design & landscape architecture bvba

Waaienberg 123
1745 Opwijk

+31 (0) 10 485 5801

United States

West 8 urban design & landscape architecture p.c.

2133 Arch Street, Suite 101
Philadelphia, PA 19103
United States of America

+1 347 371 2252

Traverse Emmen

Emmen, DE

The Traverse aims to be a unique attraction in the inner city of Emmen. The object itself as well as the walkway above it is an experience in its own right thanks to the panoramic views of the church and other high buildings and in the other direction the landscape of the ‘Es.’

The existing Noorderdierenpark Zoo is located on a semi-forested peninsula in the busy centre of Emmen. Because there is no room for expansion at this location, plans for the future involve a double park separated into two parts by a shopping area and the busy Hondsrugweg but located less than a kilometre apart.

As a connection between the two parks, the Traverse has been developed as a partly elevated pedestrian area that winds through the rugged architecture of the shopping centre. The slate-covered path floats over the heads of the shopping public some 5 metres above the ground. The Traverse has its own expression and interesting variety over its entire length as the overhang and rails continue to be transformed and the roof splits and splits again, varies in width, rises and dips. The ends are located in specific urban locations.

Gemeente Emmen

© West 8