The Netherlands

West 8 urban design & landscape architecture b.v.

Nico Koomanskade 1021
3072 LM Rotterdam
The Netherlands

+31 (0) 10 485 5801


West 8 Brussels urban design & landscape architecture bvba

Waaienberg 123
1745 Opwijk

+31 (0) 10 485 5801

United States

West 8 urban design & landscape architecture p.c.

2133 Arch Street, Suite 101
Philadelphia, PA 19103
United States of America

+1 347 371 2252

Atrium and Gathering Garden in the City

Urban Rooftop Garden Concept, New York City, New York, USA

Introducing seasonality, play, and atmosphere to a premiere institution’s rooftop.

West 8 prioritized comfort, intimacy, flexibility, and cultural identity while developing this flexible and adaptive Rooftop Garden. The design study envisions a rooftop where children experience nature and softness contrasts the typical urban roofscape, and existing programming is enhanced and nurtured.

While delivering comfort, the cork wainscoting integrates seating, storage, play, and planting to maximize the space’s program capacity. The structure integrates a garden portal that arranges the garden into two distinct and complimenting outdoor rooms, the Atrium and the Gathering Garden. The Atrium’s Cherry Tree exhibits the changing seasons with its spring bloom and fall colors while a wandering meander of green turf grass creates a surface for both active and passive use. The Gathering Garden accommodates playful activities, dinner parties, educational lectures, and a summertime pool to alleviate the historic facility’s programmatic demands. The hierarchy of spaces balances contemplation and active play, rest and flexibility, passive programming and events planning.

© West 8