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+31 (0) 10 485 5801

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“The Blue Dunes” WXY / WEST 8 設計團隊的 Rebuild by Design 最終提案推出

43日,設計重建 –  Rebuild by Design” 的 WXY / WEST 8 設計團隊的最終提案推出,美國能源部部長將於今年春天選定以提高北美州受桑迪巨風區域響社區的自然,社會,經濟和生態恢復力的最終提案。

經過五個月的研究和並肩工作在整個桑迪受災地區的社區,WXY / WEST 8 團隊準備展示他們的創新建議,海岸保護 – “藍色沙丘” – 新的一系列海上新建小島,在新澤西州海岸和紐約這在超級風暴桑迪證明如此可能受風暴潮,致命的影響中作海岸保護。

艾倫·布隆伯格,在新澤西州的史蒂文斯理工學院的教授和 WXY / WEST 8 團隊成員: 這些新的堰洲島將海波和風暴潮押力反彈回到大海,而不是直擊海岸。

該團隊 WXY / WEST 8 已經在整個重建了設計過程框架的調查將繼續與擬藍色沙丘研究計劃 – “ The Blue Dunes ”,這將進一步研究近海島嶼的可行性。“ The Blue Dunes ”將是一個催化劑,用於創建一個知識網絡。合作與社區和組織,並開發可以探索海洋沙丘怎麼可能提供保護的下一個主要的颶風更複雜的模型。

此建議用5000萬美元對多學科舉措,將跨越五年,對沿海社區組成大西洋中部海岸規劃和技術資源。據美聯社報導,這是 創新的創新想法,聯邦官員要求他們考慮如何最好地保護人口稠密地區未來的風暴。 ” “ The Blue Dunes ”藍沙丘風暴保護的發展,推進新一代的科學,工程和技術,幫助我們適應和對不確定的未來的確定性響應。


“The Blue Dunes”, Team WXY/WEST8’s Final Proposal for the Rebuild by Design Competition Unveiled

On April 3rd, Rebuild by Design will unveil the final proposals from the ten Design Teams selected to improve the physical, social, economic, and ecological resilience of communities throughout the Sandy-affected region. 

After five months of research and working alongside communities across the whole Sandy affected region, team WXY/West 8 is ready to present their innovative proposal for coastal protection – “The Blue Dunes”, a series of new offshore islands off the coast of New Jersey and New York which could blunt the impact of storm surges that proved so deadly during Superstorm Sandy.

“The wave action and storm surge will reflect off these new barrier islands and go back out to sea rather than hitting the coast. Barnegat Bay would not be pounded, nor would lower Manhattan or Hoboken” explains Alan Blumberg, a professor at New Jersey’s Stevens Institute and member of the WXT/West 8 team. The Team collaborated with a team of scientists, engineers and financial modelers capable of developing the models needed to design a worthy system. The team’s proposal is also making waves with the press and has been featured in The GuardianThe Huffington Post, Fox News, and The Washington Post among others.  

When the financial and hydrodynamic models were examined, it was clear that there was a large potential for saving lives and billions of dollars across the region, including lower, less disruptive, landside storm protections. The resulting proposal for creating an offshore barrier island chain centered on the New York Bight is called “The Blue Dunes” – blue indicating their position in the open, blue ocean and dunes for the type of islands we were considering.

Indeed there is a long history of investment in infrastructure conducted on the basis of the national interest. In the face of the complexity of coastline development, the construction of offshore dunes, potentially coupled with offshore wind renewable energy, may be the best investment. This approach has the ability to be an important line of defense for a wide variety of storm types.

The investigation that Team WXY/West 8 has framed throughout the Rebuild by Design process will continue with the proposed Blue Dunes Research Initiative – “BDRI” which will further examine the feasibility of offshore islands. BDRI will be a catalyst for creating a knowledge network. Collaborating with communities and organizations and developing more sophisticated modeling that can explore how offshore dunes could provide protection from the next major hurricane.

The proposed $50M multidisciplinary initiative will span five years and be a planning and technology resource for coastal communities that make up the Mid-Atlantic Coast. According to the associated press this is “the kind of innovative idea that federal officials requested as they consider how best to protect the heavily populated region from future storms.” BDRI will result in the development of the Blue Dunes storm protection and, in doing so, launch the next generation of science, engineering, and technologies that helps us adapt and respond to the certainty of an uncertain future.

The winners of the Rebuild by Design Competition will be announced by Secretary Donovan of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development later this Spring.

For more information the competition visit: Rebuild by Design