The Netherlands

West 8 urban design & landscape architecture b.v.

Nico Koomanskade 1021
3072 LM Rotterdam
The Netherlands

+31 (0) 10 485 5801


West 8 Brussels urban design & landscape architecture bvba

Waaienberg 123
1745 Opwijk

+31 (0) 10 485 5801

United States

West 8 urban design & landscape architecture p.c.

2133 Arch Street, Suite 101
Philadelphia, PA 19103
United States of America

+1 347 371 2252

West 8 presents at Shanghai Urban Space Art Season 2017

Hosted by the Shanghai Municipal Urban Sculpture Committee and jointly organized by the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Planning & Land Resources, the Shanghai Municipal Culture, Radio Broadcasting, Film and Television Administration, and the People’s Government of Pudong new area, Shanghai Urban Space and Art Season is a biennial event since 2015. 

SUSAS 2017, curated by prof. Li Xiangning, Stefano Boeri, Fang Zhenning, this year’s exhibition “thisConnection” is being held at the Minsheng port along the Huangpu River. Transforming “disconnection” to “thisConnection”, the exhibition reflects on various physical and social forms of disconnection in cities and discusses cases and means for sharing a future public space.

The exhibition includes four major parts, Topology, Heterogeneity, Infrastructure, and Shanghai Paradigm, with several additional special exhibitions. The event was opened on October 15th, 2017 with an official grand opening with a series of forums and panel discussions. West 8’s senior Landscape Architect Christian Dobrick and Urban Designer Yichun He presented a lecture titled ‘Simple Waterfront‘, showcasing West 8’s success in Madrid and the recent Xinhua Waterfront Park of Shanghai Huangpu East Bund. 

More information of the co-particpants and whole events please visite here.

West 8 以 Madrid Rio 參展 2017上海城市空間藝術季

聚焦黃浦江兩岸貫通、城市空間品質提升, “連接 this CONNECTION:共享未來的公共空間” 為主題之2017上海城市空間藝術季。此節分為主題活動(含主展覽和SUSAS學院)、實踐案例展,以及聯合展等其他市民文化活動。West 8 接受邀請參加主展覽, 展出 Madrid Rio 馬德里曼薩納雷斯河岸更新景觀工程。

本屆主策展團隊由斯坦法諾·博埃里(Stefano Boeri)教授與李翔寧教授、學者方振寧領銜,聯合張利教授、馮路博士、郭曉彥館長及托馬索·薩基先生組成。


West 8在本次上海城市空间艺术季“与水共生:世界优秀滨水空间案例展”(位于辅楼7楼)中,重点展出了马德里河岸更新景观工程。该项目于2012年全部完工开放,2015年荣获第12届哈佛大学维罗妮卡·鲁吉绿色城市设计奖,该奖只颁给完成并投入使用的项目,获奖评语为 “设计可以带来社会变革”。

West 8 项目总监和资深景观设计师克里斯蒂安•多布里克 (Christian Dobrick), 城市規劃師何以純在18日的 SUSAS 学院讲座: 简单水岸——超级水岸景观工程的理想与现实 Simple Waterfront – The vision and the reality of the mega waterfront projects 詳細介紹West 8的兩個超大尺度景觀項目:馬德里河岸更新景觀工程和上海新華濱江。上海新华滨江位于黄浦江东岸民生路和东方路之间,是黄浦江东岸滨江开放空间贯通工程的一部分, 近期即将完工开放。藉此闡述了大尺度濱水景觀項目從構思到落地遇到的挑戰、機遇、與妥協。

城市空間藝術季從第一屆開始,便在全球範圍內大規模聚集藝術家、建築師、策展人等,並與市民活動結合,打造城市公共空間國際交流互動平台,通過跨領域和跨學科的藝術呈現、公眾參與的系列文化活動,將藝術和規劃、建築等領域的專業工作者與市民 “連接” 在一起。本屆藝術季將誠邀各方來賓和市民,共同在民生碼頭這一曾見證上海歷史的地標,重塑公共空間的未來,也共享公共空間的未來。




